Mandy is a one year old Australian Shepherd dog. She had the unfortunate luck of ending up at a rural shelter in Missouri where she birthed nine puppies. She was tagged as aggressive by kennel workers who stated she had bitten one of them and had a previous bite history to boot.
Rescue groups quickly dove into the task of relocating Mandy and all of her puppies to a rescue or sanctuary where they would all be safe. The puppies were three weeks old at this point, shelter workers were happy to pull them off mom and send them to Denkai Animal Sanctuary, but mom had to die
because she had a bite history. This is around the time they decided to
stop feeding Mandy because they were going to euthanize her anyway, so
what difference did it make that she was still nursing nine puppies who
were going to literally suck her dry.
Rescue and Sanctuary organizations dove into the task of rescuing mom and
looking for proof of her so called bite history, none could be found. With
the help of lawyers, the shelter finally released her to to our Sanctuary.
Mandy, a full-sized Australian shepherd, weighed in at just 35 lbs, skin
and bones, malnourished and still incredibly sweet. She allowed handling
of her babies with no issue, gave us kisses and is very well behaved.
Unfortunately, one of her puppies had to stay behind, the littlest one,
Lucy was found soaked in her water dish, where workers had left her for 16
hours without picking her up and drying her off. She lived. For the past
week she has been at a veterinary hospital in Kansas receiving treatment.
She will be arriving on a transport to Denver for our Sanctuary to pick her
up Saturday night. She is blind and we have word, deaf. We have had
enormous success placing dogs like this in homes and believe that Lucy too
will have a wonderful home awaiting her when the time comes that she makes
a full recovery.
In the meantime, due to mineral deficiencies, the second smallest puppy of
the litter was having seizures for two days, finally with proper
supplements, we the seizures have stopped and this precious baby is doing
excellent here at the Sanctuary.
Mandy and her puppies can be viewed on our website at:
Foster homes are needed for the other 8 puppies as soon as possible. If
you are interested in helping us to care for these special babies,
donations can be sent via or to: Denkai Animal
Sanctuary 10375 WCR 118 Carr, CO 80612. Donations of Esbilac, blankets,
towels, a vaccum cleaner, and cleaning supplies are also needed.