Weld County Rangers Help Animals In Need
As part of their once a year community service project, local children ranging in age from 6 years to 15 dedicated their Father's Day weekend this Saturday to the Animals! Working right along side their parents, the Weld County Rangers 4-H Club, led by Kathy Seelhoff of Greeley, dove right into the task of helping homeless animals residing at Denkai Animal Sanctuary near Grover, CO.
The Weld County Rangers 4-H Club is a group of girls and was one of the hardest working volunteer groups we have had at our Sanctuary. The parents even dove into the task of helping to clean pens, children helped to exercise and graze horses, socialize puppies, and finally, build a yard for incoming chickens and turkeys that are being left behind during the foreclosure crisis we are facing here on the front range.
Denkai is always looking for groups to help with community service projects at the Sanctuary. These projects include; building, clean up, horse training, daily volunteer work, and much more. For information on how you can make a difference, contact Denkai at: info@denkaisanctuary.org or call (970) 895-2337.