Saturday, September 16, 2006

Teaching Our Children

Just as it is important to teach our children how to interact with other persons, it is just as imperative to instruct children how to treat animals. Model for children how to pet animals, feed them and supply them with water. Teaching a child how to care for an animal is an invaluable tool. By interacting with animals on a positive level, children can learn empathy. Learning how to be a friend to an animal is a great lesson that can transfer to how a child treats other human beings, as well. Children do not automatically know how to relate to an animal. As well, children raised in large cities are not familar with animals and will embrace the opportunity to know an animal. Consider volunteering at a local youth organization that embraces the notion that children should be given the opportunity to get to know and respect their fellow creatures. At Denkai, we welcome the opportunity to have you volunteer with your child. Call or e-mail us at if you would like to schedule a volunteer day with your child or children.