Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sugar Babe Days 2-5 in Recovery

Sugar Babe has shown great strides in her recovery she still has rarely lifted her head from her hay and has really enjoyed getting out to graze on fresh grass a little every day. She has been on antibiotics and we have worked at flushing out her wound. On day four, it finally flushed clear without any more sign of infection. She has shown her personality finally today too! I took her out to graze on some fresh grass and when we were headed back to her stall she planted her feet and went oh no you don't! I want the green grass, I'm not moving! I had to laugh, she is feeling alive again! This horse is amazing, for what she has endured and for her will to live through it and recover.

Day 3: Youth from Turning point helps to graze Sugar Babe.

Day 5: The brown patch on her hip is from Comfrey Root, an herb used in drawing out infection and swelling, it works wonders.