Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Homeopathic Treatments

I think it's great if we can use natural products to help to heal cuts, scrapes, and any other medical issues that may arise with any of the animals that we are caring for. Overall, it's much safer for the animal in many ways, if we are able to find products that can help with certain ailments. My dog has definitely enjoyed bouncing and digging in the snow. However, she's been suffering from dry, cracked paw pads over the past few weeks. If anyone else is dealing with this issue, you know it may be difficult to care for. I've found a great product that many people use to care for consistently cracked or dry paws in dogs and outdoor cats: Vermont's Original Bag Balm. Originally used for chapped cow udders, this product has become much more and I would recommend it for dry paws. Remember, though, don't use it on cuts or deep wounds, just to heal excessive chapping and prevent it from getting to the point where it becomes deeply cut. Burt's Bees Hand Salve has also worked amazingly well on chapped paws. Contact us if you would like more tips on caring for your animals using homeopathic remedies, essential oils, etc. We are always willing to answer your questions. Remember that while it's fun to hike and play with our animals in the snow, it's important that we watch for signs of injury to the paws and to the legs. Animals can sprain legs and ankles very quickly from jumping through deep snow drifts. Have a safe winter and try these products if your animal is suffering from cracked paw pads.

-Shanon Chalmers