Hi Floss! It's been two years since I adopted my little Maggie (she was DeeDee at DenKai). A lot has happened. She and I were doing just fine and she was my little lover girl. Always sweet and cuddly...very much the baby and happy she didn't have to share my affection.
Well a little over a year ago I ended up having to take my niece's infant in as a Foster child when he was taken away from a Meth house. I had never been a mother and didn't know what to do. I worried Maggie would not adjust to it either. However, because she had been a mommy in her previous home, she knew exactly what to do. Instead of being jealous of the attention I gave Austin, she became his best buddy and adopted him. Those first nights he was here and he would cry, she would run to him and snuggle him and kiss him and just lay beside him. They have a tight bond as you can see in the attached picture.
So, I just wanted to tell you once again how thankful I am for the sweet girl you rescued for me. She is happy in her forever home and loves her family. I wish you and DenKai nothing but blessings in the wonderful work you do.
All my best,
Donna Webb
Maggie was rescued from a Wyoming Animal Shelter and came to Denkai with a treatable eye infection for which she would have otherwise been euthanized.