Sunday, July 05, 2009

Little Billy Goat Gruff

We were contacted by the Larimer Humane Society Wild Kind Department regarding a young goat that had come to their facility and had little handling. This goat, being a bit shy of people and very un-trusting, would fling itself into fences trying to get away. They were out of options. We arrived this past week to pick up Little Billy and found a very scared baby boer goat. These goats are bred for their meat. After a certain weight they will be sent to slaughter. A lot of the 4-H kids show them at fair as well.

After closely examining Billy, we found that this little baby is a hermaphrodite. Meaning that male and female sex organs are both present. So Little Billy will never work for a breeding program because he/she is more than likely sterile.

Little Billy will more than likely live a long life here at the Sanctuary unless that special adopter comes along.

Sponsor Billy today! Help us to continue care for this special little goat that would have missed a chance at life otherwise!